Dr. Hall’s Dental Tips


Dr. Hall’s Dental Tips

Weekly, on various radio stations, I have given out short informative bites of information I call my “Tip of the Week.” Those who have missed hearing them might like to read them: Most people I see have a hard time brushing on those back teeth, especially on the cheek side. If you’ll just close your mouth around that tooth brush... read more »

Guatemalan And Saint George Children With Toothaches

Before the advent of antibiotics and modern dentistry the toothache with its unrelenting pain was one of the most feared agonies known to man. Next to the common cold, it is still the second most common disease known to man. The access to dental care for the suffering is good here in St George. However, there are still many who... read more »

Teeth Showing Their Colors?

Teeth wear down over time due to various reasons. Sometimes a very high fiber diet over a lifetime can cause more wear. People with GURD (acid reflux) lose a lot of enamel as it simply dissolves away. Big time bruxers (tooth grinders) wear down their teeth at an alarming rate. Chemical/drug abusers with what we dentists call “meth mouth” totally... read more »

Mixed Signals: Muscles & Teeth

Dentists are in the business of diagnosing dental disease, namely tooth decay, gum disease, and Oral Pathology. Often people come into my office thinking they have dental decay because they have something that feels to them like a toothache. When I tell them their tooth is just fine but their problem is really facial muscle problems they are perplexed as... read more »

Dental Tips From Dr. Hall

Here are a few common sense tips or responses to frequently asked questions on common dental problems that I use on the radio on my tip of the week series. Hope you find them useful: White teeth are “in” and there are lots of whitening toothpastes from which to choose. Frequently, however, people’s teeth become sensitive while using these toothpastes.... read more »

Your Grand Children’s Mouths May Need Attention

Ask your grandkids about their teeth. Encourage good dental health with the normal questions about brushing, etc. Take it one step further by being observant of their smile and how their teeth meet. One more important thing to figure out is whether they are predominantly mouth breathers or nose breathers. Ask their parents if they snore or grind their teeth... read more »

What Is A General Dentist?

A simple answer to this question is the obvious a general dentist is a dentist that does what most dentists generally do. Do general dentists do what dental specialists do? The answer is sometimes yes. There are five areas of dentistry recognized by the ADA . They are oral surgery, periodontics, pedodontics, prosthodontics, orthodontics, dental radiologist, & endodontists. General dentists... read more »

An Alternative To C-PAP Therapy

C-PAP therapy is the treatment for sleep apnea that is most often prescribed by physicians. C-PAP stands for “continuous positive air pressure.” Think of a vacuum running in reverse attached to your nose or whole face. This air pumped from the C-PAP machine, going to your lungs with pressure, keeps your airway from closing off or obstructing while you sleep.... read more »

What Is Your Dental IQ?

As a grandparent, I have often stood in the bathroom with my grandchildren as they brushed their teeth before bed. I can see they have been taught well by their parents the importance of good oral hygiene. Their mother and I taught some of those parents when they were children. Good dental hygiene is a concept and a tradition or... read more »

How Does A Dentist Help Doctors Treat Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a medical condition. It is the absence of breathing (usually by obstruction) for ten seconds or longer at least 5 times (often 30 to 60 times) per hour. This condition helps hasten severe heart problems, diabetes, weight gain, daytime sleepiness etc. Many people stop breathing fifty or more times an hour for much longer than 10 seconds.... read more »